Software Development
That Feels Human.

Illustration of laptop & phone
scroll down icon


Vehicle Manager

A vehicle management program written for a hire company using an object-oriented approach. Functionality includes inventory management, vehicle hire & return and robust error handling.


python logo

HFI Analysis

Data interrogation of the Human Freedom Index using the pandas library. Notable indices of analysis include the homicide index and a trend analysis of the religious freedom's and women's indices.


python logo pandas logo

Candle Shop Catalogue

Written incrementally via test driven development, this application functions as a commerce catalogue management tool allowing tracking of unique products and their characteristics.


python logo pytest logo


Illustration of a programmer

I had my first experience with code as a youngster working away on The family computer building Pokémon fan sites for me and my Friends. In my teens I progressed to attempting to write scripts to Create mods for my pc games until being promptly banned for my Efforts.

After a decade & a half of studying and working in economics I was Unhappy with the way things were going and decided to revisit and Reskill my programming. I'm currently on an extended sabbatical From my career whilst I work on advancing my programming skills Though a bootcamp.
